Baby Shower Game for Them to Write on the Diaper

Baby showers are so much fun and an opportunity for mom-to-be to squeeze as much joy as she can before the little one arrives and of course to form a ton of special and beautiful memories. Now, who doesn't love games! And no baby shower can be complete without a few funny baby shower games where people make fool of themselves and get a good dose of humor out of it! There are quite a few games going around. I will take up one which I was a part of recently.

This past weekend I attended my Sister-in-Laws baby shower.  She is expecting a baby boy in May and I can't wait to meet her newest addition.  The shower was a success. Mom and dad to be got showered with gifts to make their new baby feel loved and welcomed.

The room was decorated with a jungle theme and her cake was so cute.

Baby Shower Cake

And what baby shower is complete without some baby shower game, although things didn't go exactly as planned and we only played one game at her baby shower.  Each table had to pick a willing participate and they had to create a new diaper style using toilet paper.  It was fun to see how creative everyone was at making a diaper.  Everyone's diaper looked awesome and the mama-to-be got to judge who was wearing the best diaper.

My daughter was the lucky person who got chosen to show how everyone had to make a diaper on their volunteer.  Here is a photo of the toilet paper diaper that my daughter got to wear as an example on how each table should make their new diaper style.  It was up to each table to create their own unique style of diaper. It was quite funny to have a baby shower game using toilet paper.

Example of Toilet Paper Diaper

Now, its your turn to pick who you would have chosen as the winner.  Choose the one contestant that you think should win the diaper contest.

Diaper Contest

No children were harmed in the make of the new style of diapers.  🙂 Although plenty of toilet paper rolls did die in the making of this game and non stop laughter was one of the side effects. So, do try it out in the next baby shower you attend and make your own funny and lasting  shower memories!

Besides Toilet paper diaper game there are many games that you can have fun with in baby showers.

  1. Baby Sketch

Get a few sheets and markers. Have all the guests close their eyes and draw what they think your baby would look like, the mom-to-be gets to choose the winner!

  1. Feeding Game

It's a two person game, more fun if the men are included in the party too. Have one partner put a blindfold over their eyes and try feeding the other partner. Applesauce is a good bet, the more the smears the more the laughs! . Of course, you can have any baby food you like but my vote goes for anything that smears!

  1. The Drinking Game

Fill the baby bottles with all sorts of beverage. You can have milk, juice, wine let your imagination roll. Aim is to finish the bottle the fastest, no unscrewing of the nipple allowed! Now, if this wouldn't make a good photo op, I don't know what would!

  1. Onesie Messages

Believe me, a baby can't have enough onesies! Imagine every time you put the onesie on your little one you will be reminded of the person who wrote it and is sure to put a smile on your face!

So, all you need to do is get a plain onesies, some fabric paint and have the guests come up with beautiful, funny messages as their mood rolls!

  1. Guess The Price

This one is a classic. Put out common baby items like diapers, clothes, feeding bottle etc and have the guests take a guess at the prices, whoever comes close gets to be the winner.

There are plenty other games and you can always come up with your own versions. Do share if you have come across other hilarious baby shower games, we would love to hear about it!

Play Funny Baby Shower Game by Using Unique Style of Toilet Paper Diaper was last modified: July 13th, 2016 by Christy



Baby Shower Game for Them to Write on the Diaper


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