How Long Before Cows Can Mate Again in Minecraft

A cow is a common passive mob and a source of leather, beefiness and milk. Cows are institute in most grassy biomes.


  • i Spawning
    • 1.ane Natural generation
    • 1.2 Villages
    • 1.3 Mooshrooms
  • 2 Drops
  • 3 Behavior
    • 3.1 Milking
    • three.2 Breeding
  • 4 Sounds
  • 5 Information values
    • ID
    • 5.two Entity information
  • half dozen Achievements
  • 7 Advancements
  • 8 History
    • 8.i Historical images
    • viii.2 Historical sounds
  • nine Trivia
  • ten Gallery
    • 10.i Screenshots
    • 10.2 In other media
  • 11 Issues
  • 12 References

Spawning [ ]

Natural generation [ ]

In Bedrock Edition, herds of 2 to 3 cows spawn in grassy biomes at a light level of 9 or higher with at least two blocks of space in a higher place, except in snowy plains, meadows and wooded badlands. Cows normally spawn individually above grass after world generation.

In Coffee Edition, herds of 4 cows spawn on grass blocks at a light level of vii or higher with at least 2 blocks of space to a higher place, except in snowy plains, meadows and wooded badlands. Cows rarely spawn individually higher up grass after world generation.

Cows have a 5% take a chance of spawning every bit a calf, or baby cow.

Villages [ ]

A moo-cow spawns inside beast pens and butchers' houses in villages.

Mooshrooms [ ]

Shearing a mooshroom turns it into a moo-cow and drops 5 mushrooms corresponding to the type of mooshroom.

Drops [ ]

Adult cows drib:

  • 0–2 leather . The maximum corporeality is increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of v with Looting III.
  • 1–3 raw beef (or steak if killed while on burn). The maximum amount is increased by i per level of Looting, for a maximum of 6 with Annexation Iii.
  • 1–3 feel orbs are dropped when killed past a player or tamed wolf.
  • 1–7 experience orbs upon successful breeding.

Killing a dogie yields no items nor feel.

Behavior [ ]

A calf compared to a cow.

A cow wanders around aimlessly, mooing and huffing in small-scale herds occasionally. Additionally, cows tend to:

  • get to lit and grassy places.
  • sometimes look at players inside viii horizontal and four vertical blocks for 2 to four seconds.
  • avert going to water unless they are following players and always avoid traversing minecart rails and walking off cliffs loftier enough to cause fall damage.
  • avoid environmental hazards, such as fire, lava, cactus, sweet drupe bushes or dripstone, merely make no attempts to avoid explosions.
    • cows can step on pressure plates, spring on dripleaves or farmland and climb ladders, stairs, vines and cave vines.

A moo-cow rapidly flees for a few seconds when harmed.

Milking [ ]

An adult moo-cow can be milked past using a bucket on information technology, yielding a milk bucket.

Breeding [ ]

A cow follows a actor who holds wheat simply stops post-obit if separated from the player by at least half dozen blocks. Developed cows enter dear mode and pair off to create calves afterward they are given wheat, granting the histrion 1 to seven experience orbs. The parent cows have a cooldown of v minutes before they can breed again. Babies follow adult cows and accept 20 minutes to grow up.

A dogie that results from breeding attempts to pathfind to the nearest bachelor block to its parent, fifty-fifty if no path can be found. All the same, if the calf is separated from its parent by more than than 24 blocks, it pathfinds to another adult moo-cow. The growth of calves tin be accelerated using wheat; each utilise reduces the remaining growth duration by x%.

Sounds [ ]

Note red.png

This folio would do good from the addition of more than sounds.

Please remove this discover once you've added suitable sounds to the article.
The specific instructions are: Add high pitch moo-cow audio that represent calves

Audio Subtitles Source Description Resources location Translation primal Book Pitch Attenuation
Moo-cow moos Friendly Creatures Randomly from developed entity.cow.ambient subtitles.entity.cow.ambient 0.four 0.8 - 1.2 sixteen
Cow moos Friendly Creatures Randomly from baby entity.moo-cow.ambience subtitles.entity.moo-cow.ambient 0.4 1.3 - i.7 16
Cow dies Friendly Creatures When developed cow dies entity.moo-cow.death subtitles.entity.cow.death 0.4 0.8 - 1.ii xvi
Cow dies Friendly Creatures When infant moo-cow dies entity.moo-cow.decease subtitles.entity.moo-cow.death 0.four 1.3 - 1.7 xvi
Moo-cow hurts Friendly Creatures When adult moo-cow takes damage entity.cow.hurt subtitles.entity.cow.hurt 0.iv 0.8 - 1.0 16
Cow hurts Friendly Creatures When baby cow takes damage entity.cow.hurt subtitles.entity.cow.injure 0.4 1.iii - 1.7 16
Moo-cow gets milked Players When a player milks a moo-cow entity.cow.milk subtitles.entity.cow.milk one.0 1.0 16
Footsteps Friendly Creatures When cow walks entity.cow.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps 0.15 1.0 16

Information values [ ]

ID [ ]

Coffee Edition:

Name Identifier Translation central
Cow cow entity.minecraft.cow

Boulder Edition:

Name Identifier Numeric ID Translation fundamental
Cow cow 11

Entity data [ ]

Cows accept entity data associated with them that comprise diverse backdrop.

Java Edition:

  • Entity data

Bedrock Edition:

See Boulder Edition level format/Entity format.

Achievements [ ]

Icon Accomplishment In-game clarification Bodily requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS4)
PS4 Other platforms
Moo-cow Tipper Harvest some leather. Selection up leather from the footing. 15G Bronze
Repopulation Breed two cows with wheat. Breed two cows or 2 mooshrooms. 15G Bronze

Advancements [ ]

Icon Advocacy In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if dissimilar) Resource location
Advancement-plain-raw.png The Parrots and the Bats
Breed two animals together Husbandry Breed a pair of any of these 22 mobs:
  • Axolotl
  • Bee
  • True cat
  • Chicken
  • Cow
  • Donkey
  • Fox
  • Goat
  • Hoglin
  • Horse
  • Llama
  • Mooshroom
  • Mule
  • Ocelot
  • Panda
  • Pig
  • Rabbit
  • Sheep
  • Strider
  • Trader Llama
  • Turtle
  • Wolf
A mule must be the issue of breeding a horse and a donkey for this advocacy every bit they are not breed-able together. Other brood-able mobs, if any, can be bred, but are ignored for this advocacy.
Advancement-fancy-raw.png Two by Two
Breed all the animals! The Parrots and the Bats Breed a pair of each of these 21 mobs:
  • Axolotl
  • Bee
  • Cat
  • Chicken
  • Cow
  • Donkey
  • Fox
  • Caprine animal
  • Hoglin
  • Equus caballus
  • Llama
  • Mooshroom
  • Mule
  • Ocelot
  • Panda
  • Pig
  • Rabbit
  • Sheep
  • Strider
  • Turtle
  • Wolf
A trader llama does not count every bit a llama, and a mule must be the issue of convenance a equus caballus and a donkey for this advancement equally they are not breed-able together. Other breed-able mobs, if any, can be bred, but are ignored for this advocacy.

History [ ]

Realms Plus Icon.png

This page would benefit from the addition of isometric renders.

Delight remove this discover one time y'all've added suitable isometric renders to the commodity.
The specific instructions are: 12w05a changes

Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.eight Cow JE1.png Added cows.
Cows are currently black and white.
Cows showroom foreign sounds.
v1.0.9 Cows now emanate a new and realistic bovine sound.
v1.0.xiv Cow JE2.png Added horns to cows. Cows now have a new look, chocolate-brown with white spots, instead of black with white spots and accept a 3D udder.
Java Edition Beta
ane.3 Cow JE3.png The position of the cow's horns has been changed.
1.8 Pre-release Cows now run away when attacked.
Added raw beefiness and steak, which are now dropped from cows.
Coffee Edition
i.0.0 Beta i.9 Prerelease ii Cows can now be bred using wheat.
Beta 1.ix Prerelease 3 Cow JE4 BE1.png The cow's horns have been moved, once again.
The cow udder'southward model has been changed from Cow UNKVER1 (facing SWU).png to Cow UNKVER2 (facing SWU).png.
Baby Cow JE1 BE1.png Added calves.
Beta 1.nine Prerelease 6 The texture of the cow's dorsum has been inverse from Cow UNKVER1 (facing SWD).png to Cow UNKVER2 (facing SWD).png.
1.2.1 12w07a The cow AI has been updated.
Cows can no longer be bred with mooshrooms.
i.4.2 12w38a Cows' sounds have been inverse.
1.viii 14w02a Calf growth can now be accelerated using wheat.
1.nine 15w39a Cows are now slightly taller (1.4 blocks tall rather than 1.3, with babies 0.vii blocks alpine rather than 0.65).
15w50a Added a sound when the player milks a moo-cow: entity.moo-cow.milk.
one.10 16w20a Cows no longer spawn in ice plains.
1.11 16w32a The entity ID for cows have been changed from Cow to cow.
1.14 18w43a Cow JE5 BE2.png Baby Cow JE2 BE2.png The textures of the cow and calf have been changed.
1.fifteen 19w37a 5 percent of cows now spawn as babies.
19w39a Baby Cow JE3.png The models of the calves take been changed.
one.xvi pre1 Cows can now be milked in Artistic fashion.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.three.0 Cow JE4 BE1.png Added cows with erstwhile sounds.
v0.half dozen.0 Baby Cow JE1 BE1.png Added calves that spawn naturally 25% of times.
Cows can now drop leather.
v0.vii.0 Cow spawn eggs have been added to Creative.
v0.viii.0 build 2 Cows are now attracted to wheat and tin now be bred.
The cow AI has been improved, cows at present avoid falls, fire, water, cactus and lava.
v0.12.1 build ane The cow sounds take been updated.
v0.14.0 build 1 Babe zombie jockeys now check for nearby cows to mount prior to attacking the actor, villager or golem.
Cows no longer spawn in snowy tundra biomes and variants.
v0.15.0 build i Baby husks can now mountain cows.
? The chance of baby cows spawning instead of adults has been reduced to five percentage.
Bedrock Edition
ane.ten.0 beta Cow JE5 BE2.png Baby Cow JE2 BE2.png The textures of the cow and calf take been changed.
1.xi.0 beta ane.11.0.1 Cows spawn in animal pens in villages.
Upcoming Boulder Edition
ane.18.thirty beta i.18.xx.27 Cows no longer spawn in snowy taigas.
Legacy Panel Edition
TU1 CU1 i.0 Patch 1 1.0.1 Cow JE4 BE1.png Added cows.
Cows do not run abroad when attacked.
TU5 Cows now run away when attacked.
TU7 Baby Cow JE1 BE1.png Added calves.
Cows tin can now exist bred with wheat.
TU14 one.04 Using a moo-cow spawn egg, calves can now be spawned by using Left trigger on an adult cow.
TU31 CU19 1.22 Patch 3 Calf growth tin can now be accelerated using wheat.
TU43 CU33 i.36 Patch 13 The baby cow's sounds have been updated.
1.90 Cow JE5 BE2.png Baby Cow JE2 BE2.png The textures of the moo-cow and calf has been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.i.0 Cow JE4 BE1.png Baby Cow JE1 BE1.png Added cows and calves.

Historical images [ ]

Historical sounds [ ]

Audio From to Pitch
Idle Alpha v1.0.eight Alpha v1.0.nine ?
Hurt Alpha v1.0.viii Alpha v1.0.nine ?
Idle Alpha v1.0.9 1.4.2 ?
Injure/Dice Alpha v1.0.9 one.4.two ?

Trivia [ ]

  • Cows are visually based on the Norwegian Red cattle.
  • Cows in the PC Gamer Minecraft Demo are branded with a 'PCG' logo on their side.
  • Notch stated in a Tumblr postal service that all "breedable" peaceful mobs displayed traits of both genders and could breed with any other individual of their species.[1] This applies to cows as they accept horns and give milk (although, in some breeds, female cows as well have horns).
  • Cows adopt to stay on lit places to dim places.

Gallery [ ]

Screenshots [ ]

In other media [ ]

Bug [ ]

Problems relating to "Moo-cow" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.

References [ ]

  1. The Give-and-take of Notch - Gender in Minecraft


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