Can You Battle Zero Again if You Lose

"A BZO (battlesight zero) is the sight settings placed on your burglarize for gainsay."

"In combat, your rifle's BZO setting will enable engagement of betoken targets from 0–300 yards/meters in a no wind condition."

By LtCol Freddie Blish, USMC (Ret), the General Manager of ROBAR Companies, Inc and a Range Master at Gunsite Academy, Inc.

~ Marine Corps Reference Publication 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship.

"Battlesight goose egg: A sight setting that soldiers go along on their weapons. Information technology provides the highest probability of hitting virtually high-priority gainsay targets with minimum adjustment to the aiming point, a 250 meter sight setting as on the M16A1 rifle, and a 300 meter sight setting as on the M16A2 rifle."

~ Section of Army Field Manual 3-22.9

Per both the Marine Corps and Army field manuals, a proper battlesight nil will allow a Soldier or Marine to engage an enemy threat without adjusting the acme of their atomic number 26 sights from point bare range or zero yards/meters out to 300 yards/meters. See Effigy 1.

Note that the Marine Corps teaches and uses yards, and the Army teaches and uses meters. For edification, 300 yards is roughly 274 meters and 300 meters is roughly 328 yards. A 300 yard/meter BZO makes sense for most combat situations. Notwithstanding, the Ground forces and Marine Corps differ in how to fix a BZO on a rifle or carbine.

To add even more confusion numerous well known shooting schools and private trainers teach a unlike method for placing a proper BZO setting. Additionally, a sure special operations unit advocates and teaches a 100 chiliad zero. Who is right? Which method is best? Why?

To answer these questions and others we need to accost some of the myths and misconceptions floating around regarding the proper battlesight zero to place on a Soldier'due south or a Marine'southward M16A2/A3/A4 Burglarize or M4A1 Carbine iron sights.

Annotation: We are only going to address atomic number 26 sights in this commodity and save a look at combat optics for a futurity effect.

The Stoner family of rifles and carbines have been with the U.S. military machine and some of our allies for over 40 years. While not without its problems, it has proven itself worthy on numerous battlefields around the earth. Some may argue that the 5.56mm caliber is inadequate for large two legged critters, only the purpose of this article is not to address that point. Instead consider what might exist the best method to BZO these firearms given a item mission parameter.

Nosotros need to consider the ballistics, both terminal and trajectory, of the v.56mm circular in relation to a proper BZO. Both the Army and the Marine Corps teach that the maximum constructive range of the M16A2/A3/A4 is 500 meters on a signal target (private enemy) and 800 meters on an area target (i.e. troops in the open).

Role of the Marine Corps' known distance qualification course is engaging a stationary black 'Eastward' Silhouette style (human shaped) targets, called "B-Mod,"  23.5" wide and 39" tall on a white back ground with 10 rounds at a distance of 500 yards from the decumbent position.  It is not uncommon for Good rated Marines to hit 10 out of ten.  This is a cracking test of basic marksmanship, as well as provides Marines with confidence in themselves and their weapon.  Withal, on a battlefield seldom does the enemy remain stationary or perfectly silhouetted at a known distance, nor is the soldier or Marine always in a stable prone or sand bagged position.  Also, on an asymmetric battlefield, like Iraq, the rules of engagement may not allow you to shoot at a potential combatant if you can't identify the fact they are a threat.  500 yards or fifty-fifty 300 yards is a long distance to pick out camouflaged combatants, as well as determine their intentions, without a quality optic.  Finally, we accept to consider what the lethality of the v.56mm round is at those distances.

Let's look at the lethality of the 5.56mm round first.  Extensive testing done by the Section of Defense Bailiwick Matter Expert Ballistics panel recently concluded that besides proper shot placement, the biggest attribute of producing lethal wounds was the yawing and fragmenting effect of the round when information technology impacted soft tissue.  This requires a velocity in a higher place 2500 anxiety per 2nd, preferably in a higher place 2700 fps, for M193, M855, or MK262 Mod i ammo.   This equates to a lethal range of approximately 200 meters with a 20" M16A2/A3/A4 rifle or 150 meters with a fourteen.5" M4A1 carbine.  That is not to say that a shot across that range volition not be lethal, only that the probability begins dropping dramatically.  As an example at 500 yards the velocity of the 5.56mm rounds is approximately 1500 to 1700 feet per second, which is equivalent to the muzzle velocity of a .22 LR Hyper-Velocity circular.  Once more, can you lot kill some ane at that distance with a 5.56mm round?  Yes. There have been Marines and Soldiers who have done so during our recent disharmonize at that distance.  However, the likely hood of inflicting a lethal wound with a v.56mm circular is significantly diminished past 200 meters.

Okay, then DOD ballistics SMEs have established that 200 meters is probably the maximum lethal range for the 5.56mm round on two legged critters. Also, keep in listen that the BZO distances of 200 yards, 300 yards, and 300 meters are the true zeros. 25 meters, 36 yards, and 50 yards are but the initial intersection of rounds during its trajectory.  Zeroing at 25 meter, 36 yard, and 50 yard is only to get you on newspaper and close to where you should be shooting at 300 meters, 300 yards, and 200 yards respectively. Y'all will still need to confirm and refine your BZO at those appropriate distances.

Now allow'due south look at external ballistics and trajectory of the various recommended BZOs.

Starting time, there is the Ground forces's recommended 25/300 Meter BZO.  This BZO calls for the zeroing of M16A2/A3, M16A4, and M4A1 at 25 Meters with the setting of the rear elevation at eight/3+1, 6/3+1, and 6/3 respectively using the pocket-size (long range) aperture.   The standard is for the soldier to shoot a 4cm (one.5") group at 25 meters as the Army extrapolates that a soldier volition then be able to shoot a 48cm (xix") group at 300 meters.  Once this standard is achieved so the rear summit setting is moved to eight/iii or 6/3.  However, the trajectory of the rounds does not seem to accept been considered when the Army chose the 25/300 meter BZO every bit the maximum ordinate during flight rises most 9" above the line of sight around 200 meters.  In keeping with the Army's standards for shooting groups this would identify near shots fifteen" above line of sight at 200 meters.  Thus, if aiming at the enemy combatant's breast soldiers would shoot high (head and neck area) betwixt 150 to 250 meters with picayune room for mistake regarding windage.

300 Meter Zip Trajectory Graph

2nd is the Marine Corps' recommended 36/300 yard BZO.  This BZO calls for zeroing the M16A2/A3/A4 and M4A1 at 36 yards with the setting of the rear superlative at 8/3 and six/3 using the small (long range) aperture. This provides a trajectory with a maximum ordinate during flying of just over 4.5" higher up the line of sight at around 200 yards.  Thus, with a standard of 12" groups at 300 yards for Marines this would allow for most rounds to touch roughly 9" above the line of sight.  With an aiming point on the enemy's breast the rounds would country loftier on the upper chest just below the neck between the 150 and 200 yards.  This BZO volition permit more room for error on the part of the shooter, thus slightly amend than the 25/300 meter nix.

The BZO that is most mutual with the better known shooting schools and instructors around the country is the fifty/200 yard zero.  This BZO calls for zeroing the rifles and carbines using the large (0-200) apertures with the rear tiptop set at viii/3 or 6/3.  This zero provides a very apartment trajectory with a maximum ordinate of just over 1.0" between fifty and 200 yards.   Thus, when aiming center mass with a 12" standard at 300 yards 1 could expect that well-nigh rounds will impact within 4 to 5 inches from point of aim out to 250 yards.  Afterwards that the trajectory drops fairly quickly with rounds impacting half dozen" below line of sight minus shooter fault and 12" beneath with shooter error at 300 yards.  However, 12" beneath middle of the chest yet has rounds impacting in the blood vessel rich lower abdomen and groin area with more room for fault regarding windage.

A less mutual BZO, but one used primarily past an elite U.S. military machine special operations unit, is the 100 one thousand naught.  This BZO fits their detail mission profile, as they typically perform direct action missions that may require them to brand very precise shots on threats out to 100 yard, simply then immediately transition to close quarter battle actions inside enclosures.  The 100 k BZO is adept for threat engagements inside 200 yards but the rounds drop off very quickly past that distance.

Ane concluding interesting tidbit to throw into this equation is from the Army and Marine Corps Technical Manual for the M16A2.  Per this TM one is led to believe that if a Soldier or Marine were to nothing the M16A2 (and assuming also the A3/A4 and M4A1) at 300 yards or meters using the pocket-size (long range) discontinuity and so flip up to the large (0-200 curt range) aperture you lot would have a 200 yard/200 meter zero.  Come across Figure ii.  For this article we recently tested this TM "theory."   Similar most theories that wait proficient on newspaper they often don't stand the exam in the field.  We plant that not only were the ii zeros not the same, but that the large aperture shot groups were half dozen" depression and 3" to the right at 50 yards.  If we extrapolate this information out to ii hundred yards the shot groups would be 24" low and 12" off to the right.  Essentially shooters would miss their intended targets entirely.   When testing this TM "theory" we knew that we would see a departure in the elevations because the centers of the modest aperture and the large aperture are not on the same aeroplane, differing as much as six minutes of angle with the small aperture shooting higher.  What did surprise us, until nosotros idea well-nigh the mechanics of the rear discontinuity sight, was the shift in windage.  However, because the rear aperture rotates on a threaded spiral when information technology is rotated from small-scale to large it will movement slightly to the right thus shifting the impact of the rounds to the correct.  (Run across accompanying pictures for more details.)

Top group was shot at 36 yards with M855 5.56mm NATO ammo with the Pocket-size (long range) Aperture and the bottom group was shot with the same ammo and rifle at 50 yards with the Large (0-200 curt range) Aperture.

And so which BZO is best?  In my apprehensive opinion information technology is the 50/200 yard zero.  However, mission, enemy, troops, and terrain often dictates your particular requirement.  Thus, a 25/300 meter or 36/300 thou zero may meet your requirement.  If I were a civilian or law enforcement officer I would nada with the large discontinuity at 50/200 yards and leave my sights solitary as most defensive or even offensive shots required past civilians or patrol officers will be well within 200 yards.  However, as an infantryman in the open up mountain ranges of Transitional islamic state of afghanistan I would consider the 36/300 thousand cypher with a small aperture, using the large discontinuity when inside of 100 yards (i.e. clearing small villages) when necessary.  On the streets of Fallujah or Baghdad, I would prefer the large aperture zeroed at fifty/200 yards.  In the end, data is power and the more informed a soldier or Marine is with regards to other Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures (TTPs) that are currently and validly being used the amend decision they volition brand as in that location is only 1*…their own.

U.S. Regular army TM 9-1005-319-10/USMC TM 05538C-10/1A

When battlesights are on your rifle:

a. The front sight mail and rear sight windage knob are adjusted then you tin can hitting your bespeak of aim at 300 meters.

b. The unmarked aperture must be in the upwards position.

c. The 300-meter mark is aligned with the mark on the left side of the receiver.

M16A2/three/4, M4, and M4A1 weapons. The unmarked aperture is used for zeroing and target engagement at all distances on the KD range. When engaging targets across 300 meters the windage knob should be adjusted to the range of the target. 400-meter targets are engaged on the setting 4 flush and 450-meter targets would exist assault iv plus ii clicks.

Basic training soldiers volition only zero on the 25-meter range.

FM three-22.9


The creed of a United States Marine by Maj. Gen. Westward. H. Rupertus, USMC

This is my rifle. In that location are many like information technology, but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master information technology as I must master my life. My rifle, without me is useless. Without my burglarize, I am useless. I must fire my burglarize true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him earlier he shoots me. I will… My rifle and myself know that what counts in this state of war is not the rounds nosotros fire, the racket of our burst, nor the smoke we brand. We know that information technology is the hits that count. We volition hitting . . . My burglarize is man, fifty-fifty as I, considering information technology is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sights, and its barrel. I volition ever guard it against the ravages of weather and damage. I will proceed my rifle clean and ready, even as I am clean and set. We volition become part of each other. We will … Earlier God I swear this creed. My rifle and myself are the defenders of my country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life. Then be it, until victory is America's and at that place is no enemy, but Peace!

U.S. Army TM 9-1005-319-10/USMC TM 05538C-10/1A


a. Rotate the elevation knob down to the 300-meter mark.

b. Flip the unmarked aperture downwardly and use the larger discontinuity marked "0-2."

NOTE: The 0-2 discontinuity is preset for targets between 0 and 200 meters. Moving targets at close ranges are easier to hit if you use the larger aperture. Sgt Dean Caputo, Arcadia CA PD, Colt Armorer Instructor, and Gunsite Range Primary shooting an M16A3 on the Arcadia PD'south first-class 50 yard indoor grooming range.  He was kind plenty to assist us during this testing, every bit well every bit allow us to use his department's facilities.

This is an updated version of an article original published in August 2008 for SWAT Magazine.

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